Reaffirming the role taken by alameensoft in social welfare, and proceeding previous accomplishments in this field; alameensoft welcomed students delegation from a number of universities on 6/3/2012 and took them in a tour over the programming department. The visit was arranged in coordination with “Experts Initiative” which is part of “Shabab” program – Trust for Development.
alameensoft already had a record of previous initiatives and experiments in this field, and did always emphasize on the importance of fostering students and having them engaged in work environment. Consequently, alameensoft introduced the students to the most recent methods, equipments, tools, and programming languages implemented in it’s software products. The student also had a chance to watch a simulation of the work flow applied in a programming project, and they were given vital information concerning software industry.
Upon the interest shown by the students in getting benefit from alameensoft experience in acquiring CMMI certificate, and their eagerness to know the details and obstacles which faced the company in it’s pursuit to get the CMMI certificate; a light demonstration was made regarding this subject with notifications about major changes on work mechanism resulting from the acquired certificate.
The visit was concluded by awarding certificates to the students by Mr. Bader Eddeen Bailoni – alameensoft Technical Manager – in appreciation for their quest to develop themselves and widen their experiences. And the students demonstrated deep happiness towards what they’ve seen during their tour and admiration of who the work runs in the company. They also expressed their wish to be part of alameensoft team, especially that the visit took friendly shape, and the students were able to ask all the questions they had in mind about work aspects and conditions in the company.
alameensoft staff wished for delegation members and for all students to have their education and learning quest be crowned with success and excellence to play vital role in economic and social development.
- Students and Employees with alameensoft Administration
- Appreciation Certificates
- During the Tour
- Live Demonstration of Work Flow in alameensoft
- Live Demonstration of Work Flow in alameensoft
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