Restaurant program for pocket PC
The program used by the waitress to write down customers’ orders
The program used by the waitress to write down customers’ orders where the restaurant will be divided into sections through Al-Ameen program and in every section works one waitress or more . The program requires restaurants system or POS in Al-Ameen. Possible to decide materials groups that will be uploaded to the pocket. This program is compatible with Al-Ameen 8.0 and Al-Ameen 2004 and in every version of Al-Ameen there is a version of this restaurant program which works on the pocket PC.
- Works on Windows mobile, Windows CE operating system
- Loading and discharging the data using USB cable.
- The waitress uses a user name and a password to log in
- Transferring the order directly to Al-Ameen and printing it using the connected printer in the cashier and the kitchen
- Easy to add materials to the order
- Possibility to search for an item
- Possibility to know the reserved tables(occupied)
Targeted Customers: Restaurants
Compatible Al-Ameen Versions: Al-Ameen accounting system version 8.0
Al- Ameen accounting system version 2004
Compatible Operating Systems: Windows XP or later