Packing List & Shipping Orders
Generate the packing lists or shipping orders you need from your invoices easily, with the ability to spread an invoice over many packing lists or shipping orders and vice versa.
- Use volume and weight measures to monitor how much of your packing capacities has been used and how much is left.
- Create as many packing containers as you which (Truck – Loader – 20’ container – 40’ container – etc.) and create as much packages types as you wish (Bags – boxes – barrels – etc.).
- Use costume fields to enrich the details of your packing lists or delivery orders.
- You can spread one invoice to many packing lists, and generate a packing lists for many invoices.
- Print each client’s items separately within a joint packing list or shipping order.
- Use packing chart to see the details of what is packed in each package of your packing list and monitor the idle capacity both per volume or weight for each package.