September 2007

Can the program handle products with barcodes?

2016-10-13T09:58:03+03:00September 25th, 2007|Articles|

Al-Ameen program can deal with products with barcodes. The user has to do the following procedures before starting to deal with barcodes: 1- Modify the properties of bill types through which you are going to deal with barcodes products, by activating "Barcode Bill" option. This is to be done from the list: Tools / Management [...]

Company History

2018-04-22T02:36:28+03:00September 25th, 2007|Articles|

alameensoft Company was established in 1992 by a group of engineers who started developing an accounting system working within the Windows System. The first version of the program was issued in 1994, and it was commercially distributed in 1995. At that phase, its name was "Al-Ameen 3.1". It was the first accounting system working within [...]