Traditional Manufacturing

  • You can deal with joint products in one production formula card with the ability to allocate costs amongst them with different methods.
  • You can deal with finished products that has many production stages.
  • Use a specially tailored tool to allocate actual costs amongst costs centers to reach a more accurate cost.
  • You can deal with raw material substitutes in your production process.
  • You can define your production plans and link them to your sales and purchases orders:
    • the ability to check the availability of raw materials needed to accomplish a plan or group of plans according to certain priorities.
    • The ability to generate purchases orders with the unavailable raw materials for a plan or group of plans taking on consideration current available stock and purchases orders.
    • there is a tool to deliver raw materials needed to accomplish certain plan or certain sales order to production hangar.
    • the ability to link production plan with executed production operations and calculate deviations accordingly with the ability to track variation causes.
    • the ability to link production plan with sales orders with a report to show actual coverage of the preset sales orders.
  • The ability to re-cost raw materials used in production operations via maintenance tools.
  • The ability to deal with finished products variations according to production stages with an easy fashion and reflect them back on invoices via maintenance tools.
  • The ability to calculate theoretical production ability of a production formula card according to the available raw materials.
  • The ability to calculate current cost to produce a certain production formula card according to current average cost or to last purchasing prices of raw materials.
  • Use the wide verity of reports offered by the program to study and analyze cost variances.
  • The ability to manage ununiformed finished product’s variances (with no production formula card)
  • Use the various maintenance tools to readjust manufacturing operations’ costs.